I grew up going to church occasionally. We would go once a month on average I’d say. The older I got we stopped attending- by the end of high school I had lost my spiritual direction and passion for Jesus. When I went to college I was only focused primarily on myself. Between basketball and books I busied myself in worldly things.

My life changed when two things happened. 1) my brother started attending church and 2) I went through a tough injury.

I was in a dark place and was struggling with my identity. I had always placed a lot of self worth and who I was in myself as a basketball player and having that taken away from me challenged me greatly.

My brother kept inviting me to church as he had accepted Jesus into his heart and had begun to see major transformation in his life. I eventually accepted his invitation and within a few weeks I invited Jesus into my heart as my Lord and savior. That day was a changing day in my life as the purpose of my life shifted away from myself and toward helping other people.

Jesus saved my life and I love him with every fiber of my being. Over the last couple of months I felt the Lord put on my heart that the next step in my spiritual journey was to declare publicly my love for Jesus. To not only know him and worship him - but to be obedient and do as he did in baptism.