When deciding where to serve, I was a little hesitant to start serving in Kids ministry because I am not a teacher or a parent - what do I know about kids? So I sorta felt imposter syndrome before even starting. But I knew that being around kids brought me so much joy, and that serving would help me get connected to more people so I decided to take the leap!

Since joining a serve team, I’ve made so many friends and met so many new people - both team members I serve with and parents of the kiddos I get to teach! I think that serving has made me stronger in my faith. Also every now and then I feel like the lesson I give to the preschoolers is a message that God is trying to teach me too. 

If you are considering joining a serve team - just do it! Pray about it, talk to someone on the team you're interested in, and jump right in. It’ll be worth it!!

Ready to start serving? Check out the teams and sign up here!