Examining Your Trellis

At TLC ,we use the word trellis to describe the rhythms of our lives that can enable healthy spiritual growth. Examining your trellis is a spiritual practice that helps you recognize where you're over-busy and to re-orient.
In the fall of 2023, we developed a booklet (download here!) that will allow you to walk through the practice of examining your trellis over a series of sessions. It will help you:


  • Create space to take an honest look at your life - evaluating both the "good and the bad" priorities that might need to shift
  • Reflect on your view of Jesus
  • Explore practical key practices implement them


This effort to replace one activity at a time with another that fosters deeper growth is slow change - but slow change is real change.


Download the booklet 

Have questions? Email Austin at austin@localgr.org.