I played on a worship team in college and met some of my closest friends there. As I stepped out of college and into adulthood, I knew I wanted to be a part of a church and worship team again because it’s the best!! As a teacher I had hesitations about the time commitment but I was able to work out a schedule that was not overwhelming.

Just like in college, I’ve found community through this serve group. I think making friends as an adult is supposed to be harder, but it’s been so easy because of the amazing people I’ve met. Even on weekends when I am not serving on the worship team, I spend most of my Sunday talking with others on the team - hearing about their weeks and sharing about my own. It’s an incredibly beautiful thing to know and love so many people and to be surrounded by them in worship and shared love for the Lord. The team pushes me to grow both spiritually and in ability. 

To those who aren’t yet on a serve team, you are missing out!! Your church home is intended to be (and will become) so much richer if and when you join a serve team. A home is not a home without the people, and you can find that community of beautiful (and broken) people. I think it starts on a serve team. 

Ready to start serving? Check out the teams and sign up here!